About Me

About me

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I am a textile and material designer with further graphic, illustration and fashion qualifications. Most recently I completed a BA in Textile Design at RMIT Australia majoring in knit in 2013. 

Soon after graduating I was successful in securing a job in General Motors Detroit USA. This was a great opportunity to learn product design at the most complex level. Within one vehicle there are numerous products with multiple materials manufactured all around the world with different suppliers, it was quite a learning curve.

My creative journey has been exciting and diverse. My love for learning keeps me exploring new territories where I can express my most innovative and imaginative ideas. Design is a language for me that has come together through many different experiences over fifteen years. I now know that I can use that language broadly and apply it to many different vocations within design.

I'm continuing to expand my creative practice into new territories. Design is my passion and I am excited to see where it will take me. Ultimately, I want an adventure. This career has given me that and allowed me to travel the world explore culture, food, art and meet new people, it’s been wonderful. If you require more detailed information about my qualifications, I am happy to send you a copy of my C.V and organize a time to talk or meet. My email is, elizabethworkmandesign@gmail.com.